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Thursday, 13 September 2012

Free|apk|3G Watchdog Pro v1.15.0

Ѡ 3G Watchdog Pro. Ѡ Ѡ Guarding against costly internet overages. Ѡ Pro version of 3G Watchdog mobile data (4G/3G/Edge/GPRS...) counter / monitor app, featur: Ѡ * Advanced data usage prediction Ѡ * Bill rules (counts blocks, ignores uploads, exclude apps, exclude periods) Ѡ * Usage tory graph & CSV export Ѡ * Usage by application (Android 2.2+, unavailable Dell Streak) Ѡ * 5 widget styles Ѡ * Backup/restore Ѡ * Redesigned UI Ѡ * Account/SIM ao switch (requires a phone a SIM) Ѡ * Import setts & data from 3GW free (don't uninstall 3GW free bee import!) Ѡ * ... more! Ѡ Translated Chinese (simplified), Danish, Dch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lituanian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Slovak, Spanish, more way. Ѡ KNOWN PROBLEMS: Ѡ * Doesn't count properly global usage Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 8.9 - t problem affects data count applications ll caused bug tablet itself. may try to check "culate global usage from usage by app" advanced option a possible workaround (feedback lcome). Ѡ * Doesn't count properly global mobile usage Samsung Galaxy R / Z (i9103) possibly Galaxy Y. Problems re also reported Captivate Glide. Same workaround Galaxy Tab (see above). Ѡ * Early versions of 3GW Pro reported not work ZTE Blade/Orange San Francisco (black screen). Ѡ PROBLEMS: Ѡ * If run into problems wish to help to solve problem while giving community a chance to get a better 3GW Pro, please send a mail to contact-pro@3gwatchdog.fr details. Ѡ 3GW Pro 't possibly work perfectly possible phone models (more than 700 target devices) Android stock custom versions + manufacturers' custom layers (such HTC Sense) + carriers' custom layers + combinations of installed applications, please be understanding collaborative rar than just angry if everything not immediately perfect. Thank . Ѡ -> See FAQ at http://3gwatchdog.fr/faqs Ѡ Ѡ Ѡ Ѡ Ѡ Ѡ Ѡ 's t version : (Updated : Sep 12, 2012) Ѡ Usage graph t report roam usage (if a quota). Ѡ Widgets show roam left predicted usages. Ѡ bill rule to not count lo 2G traffic. Ѡ Keep TWO last ao-backups instead of . Ѡ Device support: Samsung Galaxy S3 variants. Ѡ Fixed incorrect start of plan date culation when plan period just reset to. Ѡ minor bug fixes. Ѡ Required Android O/S : 1.6+ Ѡ Ѡ

https://play.google.com/store/apps/d....g3watchdogpro Ѡ http://www.directmirror.com/files/L7W4TUIS

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Hope This Free|apk|3G Watchdog Pro v1.15.0 Make You happy.


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