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Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Free|apk|Conjure v1.1.0

Ѡ Ѡ Description Ѡ Conjure fastest, smartest launcher Android. Use open apps, ls, toggle wifi, adjust volume, much more. Search results are prioritized according to use favorite apps contacts are alwa a ketroke away. Start typing watch magic happen. Ѡ Features: Ѡ * Find launch apps Ѡ * Find contacts by name number. l, view, sms contacts Ѡ * Adjust Android's volume Ѡ * Toggle wifi, bluetooth, airplane mode, silent mode, vibrate mode Ѡ * device speak using t to speech Ѡ * Search b Ѡ * Conjure results are prioritized by frequency of use Ѡ * Devices a search bton: Long pressing search bton opens Conjure Ѡ * Optional stem tray notification easy launching Ѡ * 2 Widgets: Ѡ - Conjure Search Widget Ѡ - Conjure Search & tory Widget (Android 3.0+) Ѡ * Optimized phones tablets Ѡ Conjure not a home screen replacement. Instead, Conjure complements exist home screen by providing quickest app launching experience possible. Ѡ Requirement:Android 2.1 up Ѡ 's t version: Ѡ - By popular request, widgets! Ѡ * Conjure Search Widget Ѡ * Conjure Search & tory Widget (Requires Android 3.0+) Ѡ - Improvements to contact search. now View, l, SMS a contact. Ѡ - Added a , optional, notification easily launching Conjure Ѡ - Minor bug fixes Ѡ Expect more great updates near fure! Ѡ play store link: Ѡ Ѡ

https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...iojess.conjure Ѡ download link:http://www.directmirror.com/files/0LXLQRPB

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