Hold Screen : Face detection v1.47 Ѡ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | IphoneDroit.blogspot.com: Android 2.3+ Ѡ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | IphoneDroit.blogspot.com: Keep screen while are look it! Ѡ Ѡ Ѡ T application act use front camera of phone face detection. When face detected, application will prevent lock of phone's screen. Just keep screen while are look it. Ѡ By words, t app works a Samsung Galaxy S3 Smart Stay feature b detects eyes too. Ѡ Features: Ѡ
- Compatibility mode: run almost android devices
- Run background
- Face detection
- Eyes detection
- not runs when screen goes off
- Application binding: choose behaviour individual application
Ѡ PLEASE NOTE: Ѡ When preview window active, see a single dot (which have different color brightness) at top right corner of desktop, just behind . It normal. It a possible way to grab content from camera of some android devices ( HTC , Galaxy Nexus etc). Ѡ If front camera have low resolion small view angle, try to use eyes detection instead of face detection. Ѡ T application uses phone's camera dur face scann. By default, it 3 frame every 5 seconds. Beten se intervals, run any application which lock use camera. Ѡ
's t version : (Updated : Oct 1, 2012) Ѡ Ѡ
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